Word | Meaning1 | Meaning2 | Meanig3 |
a | the first letter of the English alphabet | one |  |
abandon | give up (something) entirely |  |  |
abacus | a freme with rows of sliding beads which are put back and forth in doing calculation |  |  |
abaft | toward the rear end of a ship |  |  |
absolute | complete; perfect | not mixed with anything else; pure | not limited; uncontrolled; free |
book | a bundle of printed sheets or paper | literary work a main division of such a volume |  |
by | near to; beside | along; at the side of | through; across; over; via |
c | the third letter of the English alphabet | the first note of the musical scale of C major. |  |
C | Centigrade |  |  |
c | cent; cents | chapter |  |
C | One of computer languages |  |  |