dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_INIT() AC_ARG_WITH(temp_dir, [ --with-temp-dir=DIR directory where temporary files will go], temp_dir="$withval", temp_dir=".work") AC_SUBST(temp_dir) dnl Checks for programs. AC_PATH_PROG(rm, rm) AC_PATH_PROG(cp, cp) AC_PATH_PROG(mkdir, mkdir) AC_PATH_PROG(diff, diff) AC_PATH_PROG(cat, cat) AC_PATH_PROG(wget, wget) AC_PATH_PROG(unzip, unzip) AC_PATH_PROG(nkf, nkf) AC_PATH_PROG(skkdic_expr2, skkdic-expr2) if test x$ac_cv_path_skkdic_expr2 = x; then AC_PATH_PROG(skkdic_expr, skkdic-expr) AC_PATH_PROG(skkdic_sort, skkdic-sort) if test x$ac_cv_path_skkdic_expr = x || test x$ac_cv_path_skkdic_sort = x; then echo " " echo "Error: SKK Tools are not found." >&2 && exit 1 fi fi AC_ARG_WITH(emacs, [ --with-emacs=PROG file name of Emacs], emacs="$withval", emacs="") if test x$emacs != x ; then AC_PATH_PROG(emacs, $emacs) else AC_PATH_PROG(emacs, emacs) fi if test x$ac_cv_path_emacs = x; then echo " " echo "Error: Emacs is not found." >&2 && exit 1 fi dnl Checks for libraries. dnl Checks for header files. dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. dnl Checks for library functions. AC_OUTPUT(Makefile)