# How to install DDSKK using MELPA On Decenmber 2014, DDSKK joined to MELPA repository and DDSKK is possible to be installed on GNU Emacs with `package.el`. * MELPA: Milkypostman's Emacs Lisp Package Archive (http://melpa.org/) * package.el is bundled with Emacs 24 or later, but it’s not bound to Emacs 23 and paclage.el is an external package; see http://wikemacs.org/wiki/Package.el ## 1. Setting for package.el To use MELPA add following lines to your `~/.emacs.d/init.el` ``` (when (require 'package nil t) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "http://melpa.org/packages/") t)) ``` If you use Emacs 23, add following line. ``` (package-initialize) ``` ## 2. Installing DDSKK Then, submit `M-x list-packages` to install DDSKK using MELPA, and Package Menu is indicated. ``` -------------------- Package Menu mode -------------------- Package Version Status Archive Description darkroom 0.1 new gnu Remove visual ... * ddskk 20141227.828 new melpa Simple Kana to ... form-feed 20141228.... new melpa Display ^L glyphs as ... -------------------- Package Menu mode -------------------- ``` Place the cursor on ddskk and type `i` and the `I` will be marked the beggining of the line. Again, type `x`, Emacs askes in the mini buffer if this packege will be installed. ``` ------ Minibuffer ------- Install package `ddskk-20141227.828'? (yes or no) ------ Minibuffer ------- ``` To build and install the ddskk package and the involved packages, ccc and cdb, type `y e s`. Package.el installs also `skk.texi`, so info manual can be read with typing `M-x info`. ** A limit to install the package ** The directories such like `doc/` or `etc/` included in distribution of DDSKK will not be installed by MELPA except `skk.info` and `skk.xpm`. The files contained install package are described on recipe of MELPA. Refer the detailed recipe on https://github.com/milkypostman/melpa/blob/master/recipes/ddskk ## 3. Setting of DDSKK `leim-list.el` and `skk-setup.el` are absent, different from Makefile to install, therefor you should set a key bind on `~/.emacs.d/init.el` as follows; ``` (global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-j") 'skk-mode) ``` After running skk-mode, Emacs read `~/.skk`, skk initializing file , so set such like dictionary place. ## 4. Upgrading DDSKK MELPA seems to check the updating of github repository of skk-dev/ddskk. You can check updating of DDSKK on MELPA by typing `U` on Package Menu mode. If there exist the updates, the target packages are indicated as follows. ``` -------------------- Echo Area -------------------- N package marked for upgrading. -------------------- Echo Area -------------------- ``` `I` is marked and then updating will start after type `x`. Finaly, you are asked if delete old package, answer it.