#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -Ke -T # -*- coding: euc-jp -*- ##!/usr/bin/ruby -Ke -T ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Mikio NAKAJIMA ## Copyright (C) 2002 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA ## Copyright (C) 2004 Kimura Fuyuki ## Copyright (C) 2004 MITA Yuusuke ## ## Author: Mikio NAKAJIMA ## Maintainer: SKK Development Team ## Version: $Id: skkform.rb.in,v 1.5 2010/11/04 14:18:00 czkmt Exp $ ## Keywords: japanese, dictionary ## Last Modified: $Date: 2010/11/04 14:18:00 $ ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ## any later version. ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program, see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ## Free Software Foundation Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, ## MA 02111-1307, USA. ## ### Commentary: # http://www.rubycgi.org/cgi_explanation/2-7.htm を参考にした。 # # アスキー刊の「オブジェクト指向スクリプト言語ruby」の 121 頁から拝借した # csv_split 関数については、その著書の一人であるまつもとゆきひろさんに、 # パブリックドメイン扱いで良いとの許可を得た(2002/07/10)。 # # -- csv format # midasi,candidate,hinsi,yourei,goodict,daijisen,date,search_engine_cache,remote_host,remote_addr,daijisen_url_cache,goo_hit_number # めしあg,召し上,その他,,○,×,07/09/02 08:17:56,"めしあがる,召し上がる",localhost, # ちょうば,跳馬,その他,,○,×,07/09/02 06:28:08,,localhost, # おじぎそう,含羞草,その他,,○,○,04/04/03 14:45:54,,localhost, # Debug = false # $COMPAT_VERSION = "1.6" # require "./cgisup" require 'cgi' require 'cgi-lib' if Debug require 'jcode' require 'kconv' require 'socket' require 'timeout' CR = "\015" LF = "\012" CRLF = CR + LF BR = "
" # for debugging if Debug SUCCESSIVE_ACCESS_SECONDS = 0 TMPDIRECTORY = '/tmp/' DICDIRECTORY = '/home/minakaji/progs/ring/skk/dic/' PRIVATEBINDIR = '/usr/local/bin/' LOCKDIRNAME = '/home/minakaji/progs/ring/skk/web/test/registdic.log.lock' LOGDIRECTORY = '/home/minakaji/progs/ring/skk/web/test/' Logdirectory = './' else SUCCESSIVE_ACCESS_SECONDS = 10 TMPDIRECTORY = '/circus/openlab/skk/tmp/' DICDIRECTORY = '/circus/openlab/skk/skk/dic/' PRIVATEBINDIR = '/usr/home/minakaji/bin/' ALTERNATIVEBINDIR = '/usr/home/czkmt/bin/' LOCKDIRNAME = '/circus/openlab/skk/tmp/registdic.log.lock/' LOGDIRECTORY = '/circus/openlab/skk/log/' # Dir.glob(pattern) doesn't work if Logdirectory is a full path representation...? (newcomments.cgi and search.cgi) # local tests could go w/o it, but is left just in case. Logdirectory = './log/' end LOGFILENAME = LOGDIRECTORY + 'registdic.log' Logfilename = Logdirectory + 'registdic.log' # cvs repositry 上には具体的な IP を登録しない。openlab.jp/skk に置くときに必要に応じ書く。 # BLACK_LIST = "/xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx|yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy/" BLACK_LIST = "" # reducing queries by reordering them in order of frequency Okurigana = { "a" => ["あ"], "b" => ["び", "びる", "ぶ","ばしい", "ばむ", "ば", "ばる", "べる", "べ", "びせる", "びせ", "ぼす", "ぼ"], "c" => ["ち", "ちる", "っちょろい"], "d" => ["だ", "ぢ", "づ", "で", "ど"], "e" => ["え", "える"], "f" => ["ふ", "へ", "ほ"], "g" => ["が", "がり", "がる", "ぎ", "ぎる", "ぐ", "げ", "げる", "ご"], "h" => ["は", "ひ", "ふ", "へ", "ほ"], "i" => ["い", "いる"], "j" => ["ざる", "じ", "じる"], "k" => ["き", "きる", "く", "ける", "か", "かう", "かし", "かしい", "かす", "かぶ", "かる", "きい", "くす", "け", "こ", "こす", "こえる", "こる"], "m" => ["む", "み", "め", "める", "ます", "まり", "まる", "まれる", "まえる", "ま", "も", "めく", "もしい", "もる"], "n" => ["ぬ", "に", "な", "ない", "なう", "なる", "ね", "ねる", "の", "ん"], "o" => ["お"], "p" => ["ぱ", "ぴ", "ぷ", "ぺ", "ぽ", "っぽい"], "r" => ["る", "り", "りる", "れ", "れる", "ろ", "ら", "らう", "らえる", "らか", "らぐ", "らしい", "らす", "らむ", "るい", "れむ", "れやか", "ろす", "ろし", "ろしい"], "s" => ["す", "する", "し", "しい", "さ", "さい", "さえる", "しむ", "せ", "せる", "そ"], "t" => ["つ" ,"ちる", "てる", "ち", "た", "たい", "たる", "っ", "って", "て", "と", "とす", "つく"], "u" => ["う", "うい"], "w" => ["わしい", "わす", "わる", "わせ", "わせる", "われる", "わ", "わう", "を"], "x" => ["ぁ", "ぃ", "ぅ", "ぇ", "ぉ", "ゃ", "ゅ", "ょ", "ゎ", "ゐ", "ゑ"], "y" => ["ゃ", "や", "やか", "やす", "ゅ", "ゆ", "ょ", "よ"], "z" => ["ず", "ずる", "じ", "じる", "ぜる", "ぜ", "ざる", "ざ", "ぞ"], } GyakuhikiOkurigana = [ ["あ" , "a"], ["ば" , "b"], ["び" , "b"], ["ぶ" , "b"], ["べ" , "b"], ["ぼ" , "b"], ["だ" , "d"], ["ぢ" , "d"], ["づ" , "d"], ["で" , "d"], ["ど" , "d"], ["え" , "e"], ["が" , "g"], ["ぎ" , "g"], ["ぐ" , "g"], ["げ" , "g"], ["ご" , "g"], ["は" , "h"], ["ひ" , "h"], ["ふ" , "h"], ["へ" , "h"], ["ほ" , "h"], ["い" , "i"], ["じ" , "j"], ["か" , "k"], ["き" , "k"], ["く" , "k"], ["け" , "k"], ["こ" , "k"], ["ま" , "m"], ["み" , "m"], ["む" , "m"], ["め" , "m"], ["も" , "m"], ["な" , "n"], ["に" , "n"], ["ぬ" , "n"], ["ね" , "n"], ["の" , "n"], ["ん" , "n"], ["お" , "o"], ["ぱ" , "p"], ["ぴ" , "p"], ["ぷ" , "p"], ["ぺ" , "p"], ["ぽ" , "p"], ["ら" , "r"], ["り" , "r"], ["る" , "r"], ["れ" , "r"], ["ろ" , "r"], ["さ" , "s"], ["し" , "s"], ["す" , "s"], ["せ" , "s"], ["そ" , "s"], ["た" , "t"], ["ち" , "t"], ["っ" , "t"], ["つ" , "t"], ["て" , "t"], ["と" , "t"], ["う" , "u"], ["わ" , "w"], ["を" , "w"], ["ぁ" , "x"], ["ぃ" , "x"], ["ぅ" , "x"], ["ぇ" , "x"], ["ぉ" , "x"], ["ゃ" , "x"], ["ゅ" , "x"], ["ょ" , "x"], ["ゎ" , "x"], ["ゐ" , "x"], ["ゑ" , "x"], ["ゃ" , "y"], ["や" , "y"], ["ゅ" , "y"], ["ゆ" , "y"], ["ょ" , "y"], ["よ" , "y"], ["ざ" , "z"], ["じ" , "z"], ["ず" , "z"], ["ぜ" , "z"], ["ぞ" , "z"] ] Hinsi = { "etc" => "その他", "geographic" => "地名", "firstname" => "姓", "lastname" => "名", "name" => "その他の人名(フルネームなど)", "propernoun" => "その他の固有名詞", "assoc" => "連想", "wrong" => "誤登録", } LogFields = { "key" => 0, "candidate" => 1, "hinsi" => 2, "yourei" => 3, "goodict" => 4, "yahoodict" => 5, "date" => 6, "search_engine_cache" => 7, "rh" => 8, "ra" => 9, "u" => 10, "goo" => 11, # aliases "midasi" =>0, "word" =>1, "daijisen" => 5, "goohits" => 11, } class Cvsdic def initialize(file) # @ldic = '/circus/openlab/skk/skk/dic/SKK-JISYO.L' @dic = file end def include?(key, word) if !(key && !key.empty?) return $errmsg = "

ERROR: 見出し語がありません!" elsif !(word && !word.empty?) return $errmsg = "

ERROR: 候補がありません!" end # expr2 = PRIVATEBINDIR + 'skkdic-expr2' expr2 = ALTERNATIVEBINDIR + 'skkdic-expr2' tmpdir = TMPDIRECTORY tmpfile_base = tmpdir + 'skkdic-expr2_' + "#{Process.pid}" result_string = false key = Kconv.toeuc(key) word = Kconv.toeuc(word) tmpfile0 = tmpfile_base + '.00' tmpfile1 = tmpfile_base + '.01' File.open(tmpfile0, "w+") do |file_handler| file_handler.print "#{key} /#{word}/\n" end command = expr2 + ' ' + tmpfile0 + ' ^ ' + @dic + ' >' + tmpfile1 begin escaped_word = word.gsub(/[\[\]\{\}\(\)\|\+\*\.\^\$\&\\]/, '\\\\\&') print "word=#{word}, escaped_word=#{escaped_word}
" if Debug if system(command) File.foreach(tmpfile1) do |line| if (line =~ /#{key} \/#{escaped_word}(;[^\/]+)*\//o) return true end end end rescue Exception print "ERROR: #$!\n" ensure File.unlink(tmpfile0) File.unlink(tmpfile1) end return false end def include_key(key) if !(key && !key.empty?) return $errmsg = "

ERROR: 見出し語がありません!" end tmpdir = TMPDIRECTORY tmpfile_base = tmpdir + 'grep_' + "#{Process.pid}" result_string = false key = Kconv.toeuc(key) tmpfile0 = tmpfile_base + '.00' tmpfile1 = tmpfile_base + '.01' File.open(tmpfile0, "w+") do |file_handler| escaped_key = key.gsub(/[\[\]\{\}\(\)\|\+\*\.\^\$\&]/, '\\\\\&') file_handler.print "^#{escaped_key} " end command = '/usr/bin/grep -f ' + tmpfile0 + ' ' + @dic + ' >' + tmpfile1 begin if system(command) File.foreach(tmpfile1) do |line| return line end end rescue Exception print "ERROR: #$!\n" ensure File.unlink(tmpfile0) File.unlink(tmpfile1) end return nil end end class String def to_katakana self.gsub(/う゛/, '\\1ヴ').tr('ぁ-ん', 'ァ-ン') end def to_hiragana self.gsub(/ヴ/, 'う゛').tr('ァ-ン', 'ぁ-ん') end def cut_off_prefix_postfix self.sub(/^[<>\?]([ーぁ-ん]+)$/, '\1').sub(/^([ーぁ-ん]+)[<>\?]$/, '\1') end # from 「オブジェクト指向スクリプト言語ruby」p121 def csv_split(delimiter = ',') csv = [] data = "" self.split(delimiter).each do |d| if data.empty? data = d else data += delimiter + d end if /^"/ =~ data if /[^"]"$/ =~ data or '""' == data csv << data.sub(/^"(.*)"$/, '\1').gsub(/""/, '"') data = '' end else csv << d data = '' end end raise "cannot decode CSV\n" unless data.empty? csv end def csv_quote self.gsub(/"/, '\\"').sub(/.*,.*/, '"\&"') end def csv_unquote self.sub(/^\"(.+)\"$/, '\1') end # 09/30/04 => 04/09/30 def mdy2ymd self.sub(/^([0-9]*)\/([0-9]*)\/([0-9]*)/, '\3/\1/\2') end end #ファイルロッククラス class FileLockDir def lock(lockdir) Dir.mkdir(lockdir) return true rescue Errno::EEXIST return false end def unlock(lockdir) Dir.rmdir(lockdir) return true rescue return false end end class Goo def search(key) hits = tries = 0 key = Kconv.toeuc(key) key = CGI::escape(key) timeout(20) { begin tries += 1 sock = TCPSocket.open("search.goo.ne.jp", 80) sock.printf("GET /web.jsp?DC=1&MT=\"%s\" HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", key) sock.readlines.each do |line| line = Kconv.toeuc(line) if (/約*([,0-9]+)<\/b>件中/ =~ line) hits = $1.gsub(/,/, '').to_i return hits if hits > 0 # 0hits, or system error? elsif (/
該当する検索結果が見当たりません。/ =~ line) #elsif (/
検索システムから検索結果を正常に取得できなかった可能性があります。/ =~ line) next return 0 end end ensure sock.close if sock end while tries < 3 && hits < 1 } "unknown" end end # &kind= GooDictType = { "japanese" => "jn", "jn" => "jn", "ej" => "ej", "je" => "je", #"all" => n/a } # &mode= GooDictMode = { "forward" => 0, "full" => 1, "backward" => 2, "body" => 3, #"partial" => n/a } # &dtype= YahooDictType = { "japanese" => 0, "jn" => 0, "ej" => 1, "je" => 1, "english" => 1, "all" => 2, } # &stype= YahooDictMode = { "forward" => 0, "full" => 1, "partial" => 2, "backward" => 3, "body" => 4, } # superclass for misc. web dictionary service classes class WebDict def initialize @found = '×' @cache = '' end def set_found(string) @found = string end def found @found end def cache @cache end def _search(key, type, host, query, flags = "") @found = '×' @cache = '' v = Array.new return v if key.nil? timeout(20) { begin sock = TCPSocket.open(host, 80) sock.print(query) sock.readlines.each do |line| temp = _pickup(key, type, Kconv.toeuc(line)) v = v + temp if !(temp.empty?) if flags =~ /generous/ temp = _pickup(key, type, Kconv.toeuc(line), flags) v = v + temp if !(temp.empty?) end end if !(v.empty?) v.each do |candidate| temp = candidate.gsub(/(.)(\1)/, '\1' + "々") if !v.include?(temp) v.push(temp) end end end ensure sock.close if sock end } if Debug print "key=#{key}
" p key,type,host,query,flags print "
" p v print "
" end v end # NOTE: "generous" flag is a replacement of 'kind=jnr' / 'dtype=-1' kludges # that handled to_hiragana conversion def search_with_okuri_process(key, candidate, type = "japanese", mode = "full", flags = "generous") #key := 'そぶr', candidate := '素振' return false unless /^([ーぁ-ん]+)([a-z])$/ =~ key key = $1 #'そぶ' # perfect match always fails if forward match does return false if !(okurigana = Okurigana[$2]) return false if mode == "full" && search(candidate, type, "forward", flags).empty? okurigana.each do |char| if search(key + char, type, mode, flags).include?(candidate + char) return (key + char), (candidate + char) end end false end end class GooDict < WebDict def search(key, type = "japanese", mode = "full", flags = "generous") key = key.cut_off_prefix_postfix _search(key, type, "dictionary.goo.ne.jp", "GET /search.php?MT=#{CGI::escape(key)}&kind=#{GooDictType[type]}&mode=#{GooDictMode[mode]}&DC=1 HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", flags) end def _pickup(key, type, line, flags = "") switch = GooDictType[type] v = Array.new if (switch == 'ej') if (/^([^<>]+)<\/b><\/font>/ =~ line) v.push($1.gsub(/・/, '')) end elsif (switch == 'jn' && flags =~ /generous/) #パンや 1 【―屋】 if /([-・ーヴァ-ン]+)([-ぁ-ん]+)<\/b>[ ― ーヴぁ-んァ-ン]+ *[ 0-9]+<\/sub> 【―[^―]+】/ =~ line temp1 = $1 temp2 = $2 temp1 = temp1.to_hiragana.sub(/-/, '') temp2 = temp2.sub(/-/, '') v.push(temp1 + temp2) elsif /([-ぁ-ん]+)([-・ーヴァ-ン]+)<\/b>[ ― ーヴぁ-んァ-ン]+ *[ 0-9]+<\/sub> 【[^―]+―】/ =~ line temp1 = $1 temp2 = $2 temp1 = temp1.sub(/-/, '') temp2 = temp2.to_hiragana.sub(/-/, '') v.push(temp1 + temp2) #ようさい 0 【溶滓/滓】 #ほうき はう― 1 【邦畿】 elsif /([・ーヴァ-ンぁ-ん]+)<\/b>[ ― ーぁ-ん]+ *[ 0-9]+<\/sub> 【.+】/ =~ line temp1 = $1 temp1 = temp1.sub(/・/, '') v.push(temp1) @cache = temp1 v.push(temp1.to_hiragana) end elsif (switch == 'jn') if (/【(.*)】/ =~ line) || #マイル 1 [mile] (/^([^<>]+)<\/b> [0-9]+<\/sub> \[#{Regexp.quote(key)}\]<\/font>/ =~ line) target = $1 target.gsub!(/▼<\/sup>/, '') target.gsub!(/▽<\/sup>/, '') while /([^】]+)】[^【]+【([^】]+)/ =~ target target = $1 + "・" + $2 end target.gsub!(/\//, '・') target.split("・").each {|word| word.gsub!(/<[^<>]+>|〈|〉|《|》/, '') if /(.+)((.+))/ =~ word #【行う(行なう)】 v.push($1).push($2) elsif /\((.+)\)/ =~ word # かばやき 【蒲焼(き)】 # くりごと 【繰(り)言】 temp = word while /(.*)\(([^()]+)\)(.*)/ =~ temp # with all characters with parens temp = $1 + $2 + $3 end v.push(temp) temp = word while /(.*)\(([^()]+)\)(.*)/ =~ temp # without characters with parens temp = $1 + $3 end v.push(temp) # XXX with/without characters with parens else v.push(word) end } end end v end end # not used for the time being; needs rewriting anyway class LycosDict < WebDict def search(key) @found = '×' v = Array.new return v if key.nil? key = key.cut_off_prefix_postfix url = false timeout(20) { begin sock = TCPSocket.open("jiten.www.infoseek.co.jp", 80) sock.sync = true url = "/Kokugo?qt=#{CGI::escape(Kconv.toeuc(key))}&sm=0&pg=result_k.html&col=KO" sock.printf("GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: jiten.www.infoseek.co.jp\r\n\r\n" , url) array = sock.readlines #XXX midasi= key.split("").join("-\?") array.each do |line| line = Kconv.toeuc(line) # おりまぜる 【織(り)交ぜる】 if (/#{midasi}<\/b>/ =~ line) #きゅうしょく きう― 【休職】 #おりまぜる 【織(り)交ぜる】 while (/#{midasi}<\/b>[  ]+[^<>]*【([^<>]+)】/ =~ line) temp = $1 line = $' v = _pickup(temp, v) end #きゅうしょく きう― 0 【休職】 #ちてき-ざいさんけん 6 【知的財産権】 elsif (/#{midasi}<\/b>[^<>]+[0-9]+<\/font> 【([^<]+)】<\/big>/ =~ line) v = _pickup($1, v) end end ensure sock.close if sock end } v end def _pickup(base, v) base.split("・").each do |word| # 織(り)交ぜる if /(.*)\(([ぁ-ん])\)(.*)/ =~ word temp = word while /(.*)\(([ぁ-ん])\)(.*)/ =~ temp # with all characters with parens temp = $1 + $2 + $3 end v.push(temp) if !v.include?(temp) temp = word while /(.*)\(([ぁ-ん])\)(.*)/ =~ temp # without characters with parens temp = $1 + $3 end v.push(temp) if !v.include?(temp) # XXX with/without characters with parens else v.push(word) if !v.include?(word) end end v end def search_with_okuri_process(key, candidate) #key := 'そぶr', candidate := '素振' return false unless /^([ーぁ-ん]+)([a-z])$/ =~ key key = $1 #'そぶ' if !(okurigana = Okurigana[$2]) return false else okurigana.each do |char| v = search(key + char) if v.include?(candidate + char) return [(key + char), (candidate + char)] end end false end end end # NOTE: now dic.yahoo.co.jp searches Daijirin if not matched in Daijisen class YahooDict < WebDict def search(key, type = "japanese", mode = "full", flags = "generous") key = key.cut_off_prefix_postfix _search(key, type, "dic.yahoo.co.jp", "GET /bin/dsearch?p=#{CGI::escape(key)}&stype=#{YahooDictMode[mode]}&dtype=#{YahooDictType[type]}\r\n\r\n", flags) end def _pickup(key, type, line, flags = "") dtype = YahooDictType[type] v = Array.new if (dtype == 1) #英和・和英 # a・lo・ha [発音記号] if (/^(.+)<\/b> \[.+\]/ =~ line) v.push($1.gsub(/・/, '')) end elsif (dtype == 0 && flags =~ /generous/) #国語 #temp = line.scan(/>[‐・ーヴァ-ンぁ-ん]+ 【([^<>]+)】[‐・ーヴァ-ンぁ-ん]+(?: )?【(.+?)】.<\/sup>/, '') target.gsub!(/\//, '・') target.split("・").each {|word| if /(.+)((.+))$/ =~ word #【行う(行なう)】 v.push($1).push($2) elsif /((.+))/ =~ word #【×蒲焼(き)】 #【繰(り)言】 temp1 = word while /(.*)(([^()]+))(.*)/ =~ temp1 # with all characters with parens temp1 = $1 + $2 + $3 end v.push(temp1) temp1 = word while /(.*)(([^()]+))(.*)/ =~ temp1 # without characters with parens temp1 = $1 + $3 end v.push(temp1) # XXX with/without characters with parens else v.push(word) end } end elsif (dtype == 0) #国語 #temp = line.scan(/>([‐・ーヴァ-ンぁ-ん]+) 【[^<>]+】([‐・ーヴァ-ンぁ-ん]+)(?: )?【[^<>]+】 登録日時 エントリ (見出し語 /単語/) 品詞 用例等 大辞林 大辞泉 gooヒット数 コメント EOF end def _print_line(line, showcomment = false) rawkey,rawcandidate,hinsi,yourei,goodict,daijisen,date,search_engine_cache,rh,ra,url_cache,goo = line.csv_split rawkey.gsub!(/\\"/, '"') rawcandidate.gsub!(/\\"/, '"') yourei.gsub!(/\\"/, '"') _print_part1(rawkey, rawcandidate, hinsi, yourei, date, search_engine_cache) _print_goodict(goodict, rawkey, rawcandidate, search_engine_cache) _print_daijisen(daijisen, rawkey, rawcandidate, search_engine_cache) _print_goo(rawkey, rawcandidate, search_engine_cache, goo) _print_comment(rawkey, rawcandidate, showcomment) end def _print_part1(rawkey, rawcandidate, hinsi, yourei, date, search_engine_cache) if search_engine_cache && !search_engine_cache.empty? search_engine_cache = search_engine_cache.csv_unquote google_key, google_candidate = search_engine_cache.csv_split else google_key = rawkey.sub(/^([ーぁ-ん]+)[a-z]$/, '\1').cut_off_prefix_postfix google_candidate = rawcandidate end yourei = CGI::escapeHTML(yourei).gsub(/http:\/\/[-,.+~;\?\&=%\/\.0-9A-Za-z_#]+/, '\&') print "#{date}#{CGI::escapeHTML(rawkey)} /#{CGI::escapeHTML(rawcandidate)}/#{hinsi}#{yourei}" end def _print_goodict(goodict, rawkey, rawcandidate, search_engine_cache) if goodict == "×" print "×" elsif goodict == "△" print "" else if search_engine_cache && !search_engine_cache.empty? search_engine_cache = search_engine_cache.csv_unquote goo_key,goo_candidate = search_engine_cache.csv_split # elsif /^[ーぁ-ん]+[a-z]$/ =~ rawkey # goo_key, goo_candidate = @goodict.search_with_okuri_process(rawkey, rawcandidate) # if !goo_key # goo_key, goo_candidate = @goodict.search_with_okuri_process(rawkey, rawcandidate, 'jnr') # end else goo_key = rawkey.cut_off_prefix_postfix goo_candidate = rawcandidate end if (goo_key && !goo_key.empty?) || (goo_candidate && !goo_candidate.empty?) if /[ーヴァ-ン]/ =~ goo_candidate print "#{goodict}" else print "#{goodict}" end else print "×" end end end def _print_daijisen(daijisen, rawkey, rawcandidate, search_engine_cache) if daijisen == "×" print "×" elsif daijisen == "△" print "" else if search_engine_cache && !search_engine_cache.empty? search_engine_cache = search_engine_cache.csv_unquote daijisen_key,daijisen_candidate = search_engine_cache.csv_split # elsif /^[ーぁ-ん]+[a-z]$/ =~ rawkey # daijisen_key, daijisen_candidate = @daijisen.search_with_okuri_process(rawkey, rawcandidate) # if !daijisen_key # daijisen_key, daijisen_candidate = @daijisen.search_with_okuri_process(rawkey, rawcandidate, 1, 0) # end else daijisen_key = rawkey.cut_off_prefix_postfix daijisen_candidate = rawcandidate end if (daijisen_key && !daijisen_key.empty?) || (daijisen_candidate && !daijisen_candidate.empty?) if /[ーヴァ-ン]/ =~ daijisen_candidate print "#{daijisen}" else print "#{daijisen}" end else print "×" end end end def _print_goo (key, candidate, search_engine_cache, goo) if (!goo || goo.empty? || goo == "\n") goo = 'unknown' end if search_engine_cache && !search_engine_cache.empty? search_engine_cache = search_engine_cache.csv_unquote key, candidate = search_engine_cache.csv_split end print "#{goo}" end def _print_comment_contents(logfilename, lines) # if not given, count them here if lines.nil? lines = 0 File.foreach(logfilename.untaint) do |line| lines += 1 end end File.foreach(logfilename.untaint) do |line| date,ip,host,comment,rate = line.csv_split comment = comment.csv_unquote comment = comment.gsub(/http:\/\/[-,.+~;\?\&=%\/\.0-9A-Za-z_#]+/, '\&') print "#{lines}:#{date} 登録希望度:#{rate}

\n" lines -= 1 end end def _print_comment(key, word, showcomment = false) logfilename = LOGDIRECTORY + CGI::escape(key) + '+' + CGI::escape(word) + '.log' if File.exist?(logfilename.untaint) lines = total_rate = 0 File.foreach(logfilename.untaint) do |line| date,remote_addr,remote_host,comment,rate = line.chomp.csv_split total_rate += rate.to_i lines += 1 end #comments = '○' comments = lines.to_s + '/' + total_rate.to_s else comments = '新' end print "#{comments}\n" # Experimental - display comments directly # XXX assumes _print_part1; I know it's not the place to be, # but it is here so that we don't have to count "lines" twice if comments != '新' && showcomment print "-〃-" _print_comment_contents(logfilename, lines) print "----" end end #end def has_in_log(key, candidate) begin key_mod = key.gsub(/\\/, '\\\\\\\\').gsub(/"/, '\\\\\\"').gsub(/[\(\)\[\]\*\.\^\$]/, '\\\\\&') candidate_mod = candidate.gsub(/\\/, '\\\\\\\\').gsub(/"/, '\\\\\\"').gsub(/[\(\)\[\]\*\.\^\$]/, '\\\\\&') print key, " , ", key_mod , " , ", candidate, " , ", candidate_mod, "." if Debug lineno = 0 File.foreach(LOGFILENAME) do |line| lineno += 1 return lineno, line if line =~ /^#{key_mod},"?#{candidate_mod}"?,/ end return nil,nil rescue Errno::ENOENT end end # end of registdic.cgi