============================================================================= tar32.DLL command DESCRIPTION(easy/simple ) ============================================================================= TAR(1) WIN-32 user's manual TAR(1) NAME tar - tape archiver for win-NT COMMAND LINE tar [-]{c|r|x|t|k}[v][a][M][i][I][e][n][z[N]][P{9|F|A}][f ARCH][b N] [N DATE][o PATH][PATH\] file... #rule-file @list-file DESCRIPTION please use like tar.exe. you can pack tar/tar.gz/gz and unpack tar/tar.gz/tar.Z/gz/Z. unpacking tar/tar.gz/tar.Z is auto-detect. COMMAND -c create -r append(only tar not tar.gz) -x extract -t list OPTION: A[A|H] pack file attribute.(A:Archive/H:Hidden) b N (Blocking factor) default 20 f ARCH (File) Specify Archive File Name g (GNUtar) GNUtar header. I (ignore file attribute) M (Multi-volume) n (no message) N DATE (New file) from DATE Month/Day[Year] [Hour;Miin[:Sec]] o PATH (extract to) B tar xvaf GCC242.TGZ -o c:/gnu or tar xvafo GCC242.TGZ c:/gnu p Output to output Buffer.(not File) (for DLL) tar -pxvf foo.tgz file.txt v (Verbose) G Gzip or Compless only Pack/Unpack.(not tar) z[N] (gzip)gzip compression level.(1:fast-9:slow/small) --check-all-path=[0|1] check match to path. if 1 *.* isn't match aa/ii. default 0 --display-dialog=[0|1] display dialog dualing pack/unpack. default 1. --nkf-get-filename-conversion=[OPTION] Japanese KANJI Conversion.(use NKF.DLL) --nkf-set-filename-conversion=[OPTION] Japanese KANJI Conversion.(use NKF.DLL) --use-directory=[0|1] use directory structure. default is 1. [Examples] tar cvf foo.tar *.c *.h makefile archive *.c *.h makefile to foo.tar. tar cvfz foo.tgz *.c *.h makefile with gzip. tar cvfz9 foo.tgz *.c *.h makefile gzip level 9.(most) tar cvfZ foo.tgz *.c *.h makefile tar cvfz foo.000 *.c *.h makefile tar cvfGz foo.gz foo GZIP Compression. tar xvf bar.taz unpack all file stored in bar.taz tar xvfG foo.gz foo unpack foo stored in foo.gz tar pxvf foo.tgz file.txt Output file.txt in foo.tgz to buffer specified in TAR API. tar xvfo bar.taz a:/foo tar xvf bar.taz -o a:/foo unpack to a:/foo tar xvaf bar.tgz @bar.lst tar tnf b:/gnu/*.tgz [Environment Variable] TZ Differ from UTC to TimeZone(JST-9 at Japan) TAPE Default Archive. [Versino] kmtar 2.01 Power Up Kit 3.7a NT 0.97 DLL Current Version. [about Copyright] Plese use as GPL.(GNU Public License) [Report] NIFTYSERVE FWINDC LIB#3 or EMAIL to ME. Yoshioka Tsuneo(QWF00133@niftyserve.or.jp) [PLEASE] please see for more detail, Japanese Document.