############################################### TAR32.DLL Source Program Document Yoshioka Tsuneo(QWF00133@niftyserve.or.jp) ############################################### + COMPILE ENVIRONMENT I compile TAR32.DLL using under environment. Visual C++ 5.0J Windows 95(Japanese Edition) You need compile at least under Environments. 32bit Windows Environment 32bit C Compiler. Resource Compiler. + How To Compile I explain by "Visual C++ 5.0". 1.Make New Project "TAR32". Project Type is Win32 Dynamic-Link Library. 2.Add all files in src directory to project. not only ".c" file but also ".rc",".def" file. 3.Let's Compile! praying successing... +If you can compile at Other Environments(English,etc..) If report to me, i'm happy.(-: