################################################################# wwgetall version 3.xx by Yoshioka Tsuneo(QWF00133@nifty.ne.jp) http://infonet.aist-nara.ac.jp/~tsuneo-y/wwgetall/ ################################################################# *INTRODUCTION* wwgetall is a program that you get web page from server recursively. you need install perl5. *CHANGES FROM 2.xx/1.xx* + support non blocking parallel connections. + support keep-alive connection. + program file is only 1 file. + I write program from zero again. *FUNCTIONS* + retvieve http object(html,txt,jpeg,gif,etc...) files recursively. + non blocking parallel connections.(fast!) + keep-alive connection.(fast!) + http proxy support + if you want, you can get not only body but also headery. + Currently support HREF IMG FRAME BODY tag. *HOW TO USE* wwgetall [options] URL options: --proxy=: ;# use proxy server. --rootdir= ;# directory to save retrieved files.(default:current) --match= ;# regular expression that define retvieve URLs. ;# (default: "^(?i)()(\.html?|\.txt)|(\.gif|\.jpe?g|\.rdf|\.css)$") --fullbody ;# save not only http response body but also response header. --connection= ;# nonblocking pararell connections.(default:5) --no-keepalive ;# not use Connection: Keep-Alive. --htmlonly ;# retvieve html file only.(can't use with --match) --alltype ;# retvieve all type of file. (can't use with --match) -D ;# set debug level. *EXAMPLES* wwgetall.pl http://infonet.aist-nara.ac.jp/ wwgetall.pl http://infonet.aist-nara.ac.jp/ --rootdir=/var/tmp \ --match=http://infonet --proxy=wwwproxy:8000 *1st Distibute URL* http://infonet.aist-nara.ac.jp/~tsuneo-y/soft/wwgetall/ *AUTHORS* Yoshioka Tsuneo(QWF00133@nifty.ne.jp) Pleasend send me bugs,want,confused,etc... Welcome any email!(-: